Dr. Haya AlHummiany

Haya Alhumminay is currently Associate Professor of Physics at the University of Jeddah. Her primary research focuses on nanoscale materials and organic Solar Cell fabrication and characterization of the nanophotonic structures. She holds a Ph.D. degree (2013) from the university of Nottingham, UK and a MSc degree (2005) from King Abdulaziz University, SA. She was a fellow research at MIT’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering 2017. Prior to joining MIT, she was a Deputy Director, Center of Nanotchnology at KAU, SA (2016).
Dr. Haya's research has focused on producing nanostructural devices for sensing and nonlinear optics. She has also performed experimental studies and interpretation of physical processes which occur at interfaces and surfaces in thin films. In addition, she has experience in the characterization of single atom/molecule by imaging, manipulation and spectroscopy using scanning probes.
She also got training at iX-factory GmbH in Germany to produce MEMS/NEMS microchips at the clean room.
MIT Fellowship Research Abstract:
Dr. AlHummiany, was a post doc at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, MA, working under J.J. Hu, who is the Merton C. Flemings Associate Professor in Materials Science & Engineering. In this role, Dr. AlHummiany performed photonic integration on unconventional substrates using chalcogenide glass materials for sensing and nonlinear optics. The goal was to demonstrated bendable chalcogenide glass waveguide circuits, flexible glass waveguide-integrated nanomembrane photodetectors, and stretchable glass photonics.
Fellowship Sponsored By:
Saudi Aramco