Dr. Jawaher Almutlaq

Dr. Almutlaq received her Bachelor's degree from The Pennsylvania State University in 2015. Her B.S. thesis was on the additive manufacturing of metals for the next generation of spaceships, in collaboration with NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology. In 2015, she joined King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) where she worked under the supervision of Prof. Osman Bakr. Her research focused on investigating the synthesis, structural and optical properties of perovskites and lead-free materials for light-emitting applications. For her work, she was awarded a Ph.D. degree in 2020. Dr. Almutlaq was a postdoctoral researcher in Prof. Dirk Englund in the MIT department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Outside of work, she is an avid tea drinker and she enjoys stargazing and practicing archery.
You can learn more about Dr. Almutlaq's work and research here.
MIT Fellowship Research Abstract:
Dr. Almutlaq's current research is in quantum photonics where she leads two projects which focus on 2D TMDs and defect-based color centers in diamonds.
- KAUST Gifted Student Program (KGSP)
- NASA Pennsylvania Space Grant Scholarship
- Ibn Khaldun Fellowship of Saudi Arabian Women at MIT
- Ibn Rushd Fellowship
Professional Development Activities while at MIT:
- Department of Physics Leadership and Professional Strategies and Skills (LEAPS) Certificate
- Kaufman Teaching Certificate
- Interdisciplinary Quantum Information Science and Engineering (iQuISE) program
- Public Relations Officer for the MIT Quantum Hackathon
- Industrial liaison for the iQuISE-QSEC Annual Research Conference (iQuARC) 2022
Fellowship Sponsored By: