Dr. Norah Al Haqbani

I became interested in inorganic chemistry because the study of the elements and their complexes inspire me to help my students apply chemistry to their real lives. I am Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Science College of King Saud University where I have been a faculty member since 2005. I have a PhD in inorganic chemistry, Material Science. I spent one year at MIT investigated on two projects funded by Saudi Aramco. I’m open to any opportunity to develop my chemistry carrier and I believe that with R&D intuitions like MIT you can reach anything. My position in MIT give me many tools to be good investigator and researcher and help me in my continuing efforts to find better material of the coordination of chemistry. I am interested in enabling and doing data intensive chemistry research where I can build tools and approaches that harness large investigation-driven data sets to direct hypothesis and experiment in chemistry and radiopharmaceuticals.
Major Accomplishments:
- Associate Professor at Chemistry Department, King Saud University (KSU).
- Adjunct position at Research Center King Faisal Hospital (KFSHRC)
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, Inorganic Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
- Certificate of completed program (Leading Innovation: Towards Vision 2030) Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management. Boston, 2018
- Leader Track at MIT Saudi Hack, IBK Alumni, 29Novmber-1Decmber, Riyadh 2018.
- Participant in 257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Workshop. Orlando, Florida 31March -5April 2019.
- Participant in Conference on “The Role of Women in Development: Towards A VibrantSociety” Saturday April 27th 2019. Riyadh.
- Participant at Misk Global Forum, 14-15 November Riyadh, 2018.
- Prepared workshop at Science College” Crystallography”, 14/10/2018.
- Certificate of Academic Teaching Program, King Saud University (KSU)
- Teaching Certificate Program of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 2014-2015.
- Participant at IAAM, Advanced Energy Materials World Congress from 04 – 07 November 2018 at the Conference center, M/S Mariella, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Credit Certificate of Crystallography with application to Electron Crystallography, Belgium 2016.
- Credit Certificate of Aperiodic Crystals, Belgium 2016.
- Certificate of Crystallography from Zürich School of Crystallography, 2017.
- Certificate of Operator and Training of XtLab mini (I) at Rigaku Americas Corporation, TX, US, 2017.
- Certificate of completion the ACA summer Course in CHEMICAL CRYSTALLOGRPHY at NORTE DAME University, 2018.
- Professional experience works with Radiation materials, Nuclear Chemistry, Cyclotron and Radiopharmaceuticals experience 2007-now.
- Good experience works with (OLEX2- SHELXL, JANA2006, TOPAS, GSAS II, FullProf ) programs of Crystallography. (Programmer)
- Supervision of dissertations (3Master, 1 PhD) thesis. I’m effective supervisor offers leadership and bring the team together. I have good communication skills; neutral, trustworthy, flexible and I know how to delegate effectively. I am the leader who learner and always treat my student (undergraduate /postgraduate) as partners. In a world where teamwork is cherished, I’m kind of leader who be able to find unique ways of holding the team together and rallying team members towards a common cause.
- Speak/Written Fluent English – B2 level Germany language (very good).
International and/or National:
- Co.I Faculty of International Scientific Partnership Program (ISPP) at Deanship of Scientific Research.
- Postdoctoral at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 2014-2015.
- PI Investigator for MIT in project (Metal Tetrametaphosphate Complexes: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications as Li ion Batteries.) 2014-2015.
- PI Investigator for (NSTIP) National Plane for Science and Technology in project (Evaluation of new bifunctional chelates for the development of Cu-64-based radiopharmaceuticals).
- Edit and Revision of many research projects of Taif University.
- Speaker at many International conferences.
Public Service:
Organized of Science Exhibition (4/2/2018) at Science College
Oral talks at Scientific Research of Science College in KSU.
Supervisor of Chemistry Club at Chemistry Department ( 4 years).
Serve Community by Organized field trip to orphanage house.(2017)
Supervisor of Evaluation and Examination ( Alqas ) for high school students (2010-2017).
MIT Fellowship Research Abstract:
Specific Research Area 1: Material Science. (Energy Storage): Metal Cyclophosphate Materials, and their application in Sodium-Ion Batteries.
As a promising alternative to rechargeable sodium ion batteries have drawn increasing attention owing to their lower cost; environmentally friendly, excellent recharge ability and higher security. Polyanion compounds including phosphates have been investigated as intriguing cathode materials for SIBs.
Project Objectives: I’m planning to improve the electrochemical properties of Na-ion battery cathode with s-p-blocks metal cyclophosphate also to explore new materials for cathodes to achieve high energy density. Phosphate materials have been focused upon due to the increase of redox potential and good safety caused by an inductive effect and strong oxygen–phosphorus covalent bond.
Specific Research Area 2: Development of new Radiopharmaceuticals for Skeletal Bone Imaging.
During the two centenaries ago, several new radiopharmaceuticals have been introduced for radionuclide imaging. In this project will focuses on the coordination chemistry of metal–cyclicphosphate with a view to addressing the variability of structures obtained and gaining insight into its radionuclide imaging. A new cyclophosphate have been study to be bone agents, synthesized and labeling studies are also will provide. It was found that the P-O-P linkage in the condensed phosphates was broken down in vivo because of hydrolysis by polyphospantes enzymes. More recently, pyrophosphates called diphosphonates with P-C-P bonds instead of P-O-P bonds founds more stable. In this study, we aimed to synthesize a new compounds continuing P-N bond could be use as bone-imaging agent, Phosphoramidates will chosen as a chelating agent, which could be forms a stable complex with 99mTc-tricarbonyl core. In this project I will develop the coordination chemistry of metal complexes of phosphate with different radionuclides. First, the ideal coordination reactions of different metal complexes and are examined. Secondly, a closer look for several of the most common radiometals currently used in or with significant potential for use in radiopharmaceuticals will be given in this project.
Fellowship Sponsored By:
Saudi Aramco