Dr. Wedyan Babatain

“At MIT, I’ve realized that dreams don’t have an expiration date. I may not have been a student here, but my postdoctoral experience has been an amplified version of my dream. Here, I've engaged in exciting research, enriched my knowledge through classes, and found immense joy in mentoring and interacting MIT students.”
Dr. Wedyan Babatain
Wedyan Babatain obtained her bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Bio-Electrical Engineering from the University of Delaware, USA, in 2017, and her master's degree in Electrical Engineering from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), KSA, in 2019. Her research focused on developing a wearable closed-loop feedback transdermal drug delivery platform. In 2022, Wedyan received her Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from KAUST where she focused on developing liquid metal-based inertial sensors for motion monitoring and human machine interfaces. Her research topics of interest include sensors, actuators, microfluidics, flexible and soft electronics for healthcare and environmental applications. She received the King Abdullah Scholarship Program (KASP) awarded by the Ministry of Education to complete her undergraduate studies in the US and the KAUST Graduate Fellowship for her graduate studies.
Dr. Babatain's professional website can be found here.
MIT Fellowship Research Abstract:
Wedyan’s research at MIT Media Lab will focus on developing interactive tactile interfaces for wearable applications where gallium-based liquid metal is used as the primary medium for sensing and actuation, realizing a physically deformable platform. Wedyan has developed a magnetically and electrically actuated liquid metal droplet manipulation platform. Additionally, she has developed a novel facile fabrication method for liquid-metal based and stretchable electronics.
- KAUST Ibn Rushd Postdoctoral Fellowship (2023)
- MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 MENA (2022)
- KAUST CEMSE Dean’s List Award, 2022
- SXSW Innovation Awards Finalist: Wearable Category, 2022
- MIT Ibn Khaldun Fellowship for Saudi Women (Postdoctoral), 2021
- KAUST Graduate Fellowship (M.S./Ph.D.), 2017
- The Biomedical Engineering Senior Design Award, University of Delaware, 2016
- King Abdullah Scholarship Program (B.S.), 2012
Professional Activities at MIT:
- MIT Kaufman Teaching Certificate
- Judge at MakeMIT Hardware Hackathon 2023
- Teaching Assistant of MAS.863 How to Make (Almost) Anything Course
- Teaching Assistant of MAS.834 Tangible Interfaces Course
Fellowship Sponsored By: