Dr. Malak Al Nory appointed as International C3E Ambassador by the Saudi Ministry of Energy

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Malak Al Nory was appointed by the Saudi Ministry of Energy to represent Saudi Arabia as an International C3E Ambassador. In her position she stands to bring the voice of Saudi Arabian women to global energy policy and inspire young women to enter the energy field.
"The Clean Energy Education & Empowerment (C3E) initiative was launched by the 24-government Clean Energy Ministerial in 2010. The initiative was born out of recognition that the ideas and talents of all members of society are essential to meeting our future clean energy challenges. Women make up substantially less than half of the workforce in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields and across the clean energy sector. Closing the gender gap and increasing women’s participation and leadership in these fields are the goals of the U.S. C3E program, led by the Department of Energy in collaboration with the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) and the Stanford Precourt Institute for Energy." - From the C3E official website
"One way C3E works to shift the status quo is by naming accomplished, seniorlevel women as C3E Ambassadors to leverage their power as role models. CEM partner governments have been invited to name C3E Ambassadors from their countries to serve in the C3E International Ambassador Corps. Named Ambassadors to date are listed in the following pages. The list of Ambassadors will expand as new members are nominated." - Quoted from the C3E International Ambassador Roster brochure.
Dr. Al Nory work with women in the energy sector was also highlighted in the local Madina news [text in arabic].