Welcome IBK Fellow: Maryam Alsufyani

We are pleased to introduce one of our new IBK Fellows, Dr. Maryam Alsufyani. Dr. Alsufyani completed her undergraduate studies in chemistry from Taibah University in Madina, Saudi Arabia, in 2016. She then continued her academic career at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) where she earned her master's in chemical science in 2018. She then earned her PhD from the University of Oxford in 2023, where she devoted the remainder of her academic career to the field of organic chemistry. Dr. Alsufyani's doctoral research involved designing and synthesizing semiconducting polymers for organic electronic applications such as organic thermoelectric generators for clean energy generations, and organic electrochemical transistors for biomedical sensing. Her research aimed to improve the air stability of semiconducting polymers achieved by deliberately designing and synthesizing electron-deficient n-type polymers with a sufficiently large electron affinity and a subsequent thermodynamically unfavorable reaction with ambient species. Dr. Alsufyani plans to do her IBK Fellowship research in Prof. Tim Swager's lab in MIT's Department of Chemistry. Her research will involve designing and synthesizing highly fluorinated novel polymers and dyes as the sensing elements to facilitate PFAS partitioning from water into polymers.