The Fellowship and its participants contribute measurably to scientific, technical, and academic progress and to the Fellowship goal of promoting Saudi women as leaders in their fields. Fellows produce a continual output of journal articles, conference publications, patents and other contributions.
“The Ibn Khaldun fellowship program is meticulously designed to empower Saudi women in STEM sciences who are highly underrepresented worldwide. It is tailored not only to cultivate technical expertise but also to nourish leadership skills, innovation and confidence.”

“The Ibn Khaldun fellowship program is meticulously designed to empower Saudi women in STEM sciences who are highly underrepresented worldwide. It is tailored not only to cultivate technical expertise but also to nourish leadership skills, innovation and confidence.”
Fellowship by the Numbers
Reporting includes fellows who completed their fellowship during or prior to 2023.
83 Journal Articles
Featured publication:
Alezi, D, et al. Tunable Low–Relative Humidity and High–Capacity Water Adsorption in a Bibenzotriazole Metal–Organic Framework from Journal of the American Chemical Society (2023)

55 Conference Proceedings

Featured Conference:
W. Babatain, O. K. Afsar, F. Velasquez and H. Ishii, "Selective Patterning of Liquid Metal-Based Soft Electronics via Laser-Induced Graphene Residue," 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN), Boston, MA, USA, 2023
10 Patents
Filed: 6
Issued: 4

Fellows Leading in their Fields
Ibn Khaldun Fellows go on to leadership positions in academia, government and industry. Some of our many fellows taking the lead are highlighted below.
Government & Public Policy
Publications from Fellowship Research
Journal Papers Published
- M. T. Al-Nory and S.C. Graves, “Water Desalination Supply Chain Modelling and Optimization: The Case of Saudi Arabia,” IDA Journal for Desalination and Water Reuse, v. 5, pp. 64-74, Dec 2013
- M. T. Al-Nory and M. El-Beltagy, “An Energy Management Approach for Renewable Energy Integration with Power Generation and Water Desalination,” Renewable Energy, v. 72, pp. 377-385, Dec 2014
- M. T. Al-Nory, A. Brodsky, B. Bozkaya, S. C. Graves, “Desalination Supply Chain Decision Analysis and Optimization,” Desalination, v. 347, pp. 144-157, Aug 2014
- Nabilah Abughazalah and Pavel Etingof, “Linear Growth for Semigroups which are Disjoint Unions of Finitely many Copies of the Free Monogenic Semigroup,” Archiv der Mathematik, September 2015, Volume 105, Issue 3, pp 223-228. Published online, August 20, 2015
- Nabilah Abughazalah and Pavel Etingof, “On Properties of the Lower Central Series of Associative Algebras,” Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 28 December 2015
- Omaimah Omar Bamasag and Kamal Youcef-Toumi. 2015. Towards Continuous Authentication in Internet of Things Based on Secret Sharing Scheme. In Proceedings of the WESS'15: Workshop on Embedded Systems Security (WESS'15). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 1, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.1145/2818362.2818363
- Al-Solaiman, Sumayah, 2015. “Architecture as a Tool of Editing History: The case of King Abdulaziz Historical Center.” Representation of Tradition. The Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Working Paper Series Vol. 258
- Jeffrey B. Chou, Xin-Hao Li, Yu Wang, David P. Fenning, Asmaa Elfaer, Jaime Viegas, Mustapha Jouiad, Yang Shao-Horn, and Sang-Gook Kim “Surface Plasmon Assisted Hot Electron Collection in Wafer-scale Metallic-semiconductor Photonic”, Optics Express, 24 (2016) A1234–A1244
- I. Soltani, C. Houck, J.M. AlGhamdi, K. Youcef-Toumi, “Design and Control of a Multi-Actuated Atomic Force Microscope for Large-Range and High-Speed Imaging,” Ultramicroscopy, V 160, pp. 213-224, Jan 2016
- Balfaqih, Hasan; Mohd. Nopiah, Zulkifli; Saibani, Nizaroyani; T. Al-Nory, Malak, “Review of Supply Chain Performance Measurement Systems: 1998-2015,” Computers in Industry, Elsevier, Vol. 82, p. 132-150, 2016
- N. Abughazalah, P. Etingof, On properties of the lower central series of associative algebras, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 15, No. 10 (2016).
- Mansouri, N.Y. and Ghoniem, A.F., “Does Nuclear Desalination Make Sense for Saudi Arabia?” Desalination, July 2016
- Xin-Hao Li, Jeffrey B. Chou, Wei Lek Kwan, Asma M. Elsharif, and Sang-Gook Kim “Effect of Anisotropic Electron Momentum Distribution of Surface Plasmon on Internal Photoemission of a Schottky Hot Carrier Device”, Optics Express, 25 (2017) A264–A273
- Balfaqih, Hasan; Al-Nory, Malak T; Nopiah, Zulkifli Mohd; Saibani, Nizaroyani, “Environmental and Economic Performance Assessment of Desalination Supply Chain,” Desalination, V. 406, Feb. 2017
- Balfaqih, Hasan; Al-Nory, Malak T; Nopiah, Zulkifli Mohd; Saibani, Nizaroyani, “Sustainable Framework for Water Desalination Supply Chain: Delphi-AHP Technique,” Advanced Science Letters, v.23, #5, p. 4721-4724, 2017
- N. Abughazalah, “Concrete algorithms for word problem and subsemigroup problem for semigroups which are disjoint unions of finitely many copies of the free monogenic semigroup,” Acta Mathematica Hungarica, April 2017
- Khulood A. Rambo, David M. Warsinger, Santosh J. Shanbhogue, John H. Lienhard V, Ahmed F. Ghoniem, “Water-Energy Nexus in Saudi Arabia,” Energy Procedia, Volume 105, 2017, Pages 3837-3843, ISSN 1876-6102, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.782.
- Abu-Remaileh M, Wyant GA, Kim C, Laqtom NN, Abbasi M, Chan SH, Freinkman E, Sabatini DM., 2017, “Lysosomal metabolomics reveals V-ATPase and mTOR-dependent mechanisms for the efflux of amino acids from lysosomes,” Science. 358(6364):807-813.
- T Alruhaili, G Aldabbagh, F Bouabdallah, N Dimitriou, MZ Win (2017) Optimized Wi-Fi Offloading Scheme for High User Density in LTE Networks. J. Commun. 14 (3), 179-186
- Maryam Hajjar; Ghadah Aldabbagh; Nikos Dimitriou; Moe Z. Win, (2017) Hybrid Clustering Scheme for Relaying in Multi-Cell LTE High User Density Networks, IEEE Access DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2627527
- M. Sadik, N. Akkari, G. Aldabbagh, “SDN-Based Handover Scheme for Multi-Tier LTE/Femto and D2D Networks” Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications NetworkingVolume 142Issue CSep 2018 pp 142–153https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2018.06.004
- Heba A. Kurdi, Ebtesam Aloboud, Maram Alalwan, Sarah Alhassan, Ebtehal Alotaibi, Guillermo Bautista, Jonathan P. How, “Autonomous Task Allocation for Multi-UAV Systems Based on the Locust Elastic Behavior,” Applied Soft Computing (Q1, IF=3.907), Volume 71, October 2018, Pages 110-126 ISSN 1568-4946
- Heba Kurdi, Bushra Alshayban, Lina Altoaimy, and Shada Alsalamah, “TrustyFeer: A Subjective Logic Trust Model for Smart City Peer-to-Peer Federated Clouds,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (Q2, IF=1.6899), vol. 2018, Article ID 1073216, 13 pages, 2018
- Heba Kurdi, Auhood Alfaries, Abeer Al-Anazi, Sara Alkharji, Maimona Addegaither, Lina Altoaimy, Syed Hassan Ahmed, “A lightweight trust management algorithm based on subjective logic for interconnected cloud computing environments,” The Journal of Supercomputing (ISI journal -Q2), 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-018-2669-y.
- Heba A. Kurdi, Shaden M. AlIsmail, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan, "LACE: A Locust-Inspired Scheduling Algorithm to Reduce Energy Consumption in Cloud Datacenters", IEEE Access (Q1, IF=3.557), 2018 DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2839028.
- Heba Kurdi, Fadwa Ezzat, Lina Altoaimy, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Kamal Youcef-Toumi, “MultiCuckoo: Multi-Cloud Service Composition using a Cuckoo-Inspired Algorithm for the Internet of Things Applications,” IEEE Access (ISI journal -Q1), Volume 6, pp. 56737 – 56749, 2018. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8476294
- Shiroq Al-Megren, Heba Kurdi, Munirah F. Aldaood, A Multi-UAV Task Allocation Algorithm Combatting Red Palm Weevil Infestation, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 141, 2018, Pages 88-95, ISSN 1877-0509, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2018.10.153.
- Heba Kurdi, Shiroq Al-Megren, Reham Althunyan, Asma Almulifi; “Effect of Exit Placement on Evacuation Plans,” European Journal of Operational Research (ISI journal-Q1), vol. 269 no. 2, pp. 749-759 , 2 February 2018. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0377221718300869?via%3Dihub.
- Wyant GA, Abu-Remaileh M, Frenkel EM, Laqtom NN, Dharamdasani V, Lewis CA, Chan SH, Heinze I, Ori A, Sabatini DM., 2018, “NUFIP1 is a ribosome receptor for starvation-induced ribophagy,” Science, 360(6390):751-758. 2018.
- AlGhamdi, K. Alsalamah, S. Alhudhud, G. Nouh, T. Alyahya I. and AlQahtani, S. (2018). Using Dijkstra and Fusion Algorithms to Provide a Smart Proactive mHealth Solution for Saudi Arabia’s Emergency Medical Services. In the International Journal On Advances in Networks and Services, v 11 no 3&4 2018.
- Albrahim, R. Alsalamah, H. Alsalamah, S. Aksoy, M. S. (2018). Access Control Model for Modern Virtual e-Government Services: Saudi Arabian Case Study. The International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA). Volume 9, No 8, August 2018.
- Lina Altoaimy, Arwa Alromih, Shiroq Al-Megren, Ghada Al-Hudhud, Heba Kurdi, and Kamal Youcef-Toumi, “Context-Aware Gossip-Based Protocol for Internet of Things Applications,” Sensors (ISI journal – Q2), vol. 18(7), pp.1-23, 2018. https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/18/7/2233.
- Alanoud Alhussain, Heba Kurdi, “EERP: An enhanced EigenTrust algorithm for reputation management in peer-to-peer networks,” Procedia Computer Science 141 (2018): 88-95. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050918317861?via%3Dihub.
- M. Hajjar, G. Aldabbagh, N. Dimitrou & M. Win,(2019) “Relay Selection Based Clustering Techniques for High Density LTE Networks,” Wireless Networks 25 (5), 2305-2314
- H Kurdi, MF AlDaood, S Al-Megren, E Aloboud, AS Aldawood, “Adaptive task allocation for multi-UAV systems based on bacteria foraging behavior,” Applied Soft Computing,2.19, vol. 83, pp. 105643. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2019.10563.
- Heba Kurdi, Shada Alsalamah, Asma Alatawi, Sara Alfaraj, Lina Altoaimy, and Syed Hassan Ahmed “HealthyBroker: A Trustworthy Blockchain-Based Multi-Cloud Broker for Patient-Centered eHealth Services,” Electronics, 2019, 8(6), 602; (ISI journal -Q3), https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics8060602.
- Escamilla-Ambrosio, P. J. Robles-Ramirez, D. Alsalamah, S. Tryfonas, T. Orantes-Jiménez, S. Eleazar Aguirre-Anaya, E. AlQahtani, S. Nouh, T. Alsalamah, H. Almutawaa, S. Alkabani, H. Alsmari, M. Alashgar, N. Alrajeh, A. and Kurdi, H. (2019). Securing mHealth Applications Using IoTsecM Security Modelling: Dentify.Me mApp Case Study for Urgent Care Management. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. Elsevier.
- Nehal Al-Otaiby, Heba Kurdi and Shiroq Al-Megren, “ A Hierarchical Trust Model for Peer-to-Peer Networks,” Computers, Materials & Continua, CMC-Computers Materials & Continua, (ISI journal -Q1), Vol.59 No.1 2019 ,pp. 397-404, doi:10.32604/cmc.2019.06236.
- H. ElGibreen and K. Youcef-Toumi, “Dynamic Task Allocation in an Uncertain Environment with Heterogeneous Multi-Agents,” Autonomous Robots Journal (ISI), 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10514-018-09820-5.
- M. T. Al-Nory, "Optimal Decision Guidance for the Electricity Supply Chain Integration With Renewable Energy: Aligning Smart Cities Research With Sustainable Development Goals" Information Systems Frontiers Journal, IEEE Access June 20, 2019.
- Sa'd Shannak, Malak Alnory, “Decision-making method for evaluating solar desalination options: the case of Saudi Arabia”, Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, August 2019.
- Soh, B. W.; Khorshid, A.; Al Sulaiman, D.; Doyle, P. S. "Ionic Effects on the Equilibrium Conformation of Catenated DNA Networks" Macromolecules 53 (19), 8502-8508. 2020.
- Dana Al Sulaiman, Sarah J. Shapiro, Jose Gomez-Marquez, and Patrick S. Doyle, “High-Resolution Patterning of Hydrogel Sensing Motifs within Fibrous Substrates for Sensitive and Multiplexed Detection of Biomarkers,” American Chemical Society, ACS Sensors 2020, December 22, 2020 https://doi.org/10.1021/acssensors.0c02121
- Yuan He, Haleema Alamri, Mohammed Kawelah, Ayra Gizzatov, Mariam F. Alghamdi, Timothy M. Swager and S. Sherry Zht Gu, “Brine-Soluble Zwitterionic Copolymers with Tunable Adsorption on Rocks”, American Chemical Society, Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 11, 13568–13574, Publication Date: March 9, 2020.
- Kurdi, H., Aloboud, E., Al-Megren, S., Alnuaim, A., Alomair, H., Alothman, R., Ben Muhayya, A., Alharbi, N, Alenzi, M., and Youcef-Toumi, K. ‘Bee-inspired Task Allocation Algorithm for Multi-UAV Search and Rescue Missions,” International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation (ISI journal -Q1).
- Nouf Almousa, Benjamin Dacus, Kevin B. Woller, Changheui Jang, Michael P. Short, June 2020, Rapidly Screening Materials for Void Swelling Resistance with Indirect Photoacoustic Measurements, Transactions, Vol 122, No 1, Pg 306-308 https://www.ans.org/pubs/transactions/article-48243/
- Charles Tai-Chieh Wan, Katharine Greco, Amira Alazmi, Robert M Darling, Yet-Ming Chiang and Fikile Brushett, (2021) Methods—A Potential–Dependent Thiele Modulus to Quantify the Effectiveness of Porous Electrocatalysts. Journal of the Elextrochemical Society. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1149/1945-7111/ac34ce/meta
- Indresh Yadav, Dana Al Sulaiman, Beatrice W. Soh, and Patrick S. Doyle (2021) Phase Transition of Catenated DNA Networks in Poly(ethylene glycol) Solutions. ACS Macro Letters 2021 10 (11), 1429-1435. DOI: 10.1021/acsmacrolett.1c00463
- Al Sulaiman, D.; Shapiro, S. J.; Gomez-Marquez, J.; Doyle, P. S. "High-Resolution Patterning of Hydrogel Sensing Motifs within Fibrous Substrates for Sensitive and Multiplexed Detection of Biomarkers" ACS Sensors 2021.
- Alhaqbani, A.; Kurdi, H.; Youcef-Toumi, K. (2021) Fish-inspired task allocation algorithm for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles in search and rescue missions, Remote Sensing DOI: 10.3390/rs13010027
- H Kurdi, A Almulifi, S Al-Megren, K Youcef-Toumi, (2021) A balanced evacuation algorithm for facilities with multiple exits, European Journal of Operational Research 289 (1), 285-296 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2020.07.012
- Nouf Almousa, Benjamin Dacus, Kevin B.Woller, Ji Ho Shin, Changheui Jang, Lin Shao, Frank A. Garner, Adam Gabriel, Michael P. Short, April 2021, On the use of non-destructive, gigahertz ultrasonics to rapidly screen irradiated steels for swelling resistance, Materials Characterization, Vol 174
- Moreno, F., Alghowinem, S., Breazeal, C & Park, H. W. (2021). Expresso-AI: A framework for Explainable Video Based Deep Learning Models through gestures and expressions. In IEEE Affective Computing (TAC)
- Amira Alazmi, Charles Tai-Chieh Wan, Pedro M. F. J. Costa, and Fikile R. Brushett, Exploring the impact of reduced graphene oxide surface texture as an electrocatalyst in redox flow batteries, The Journal of Energy Storage DOI:10.1016/j.est.2022.104192
- Dana Al‐Sulaiman, Nidhi Juthani, Patrick S Doyle (2022) Quantitative and Multiplex Detection of Extracellular Vesicle‐derived microRNA via Rolling Circle Amplification within Encoded Hydrogel Microparticles, Advanced Healthcare Materials
- H. Chen, S. M. Alghowinem, S. J. Jang, C. Breazeal and H. W. Park, "Dyadic Affect in Parent-child Multi-modal Interaction: Introducing the DAMI-P2C Dataset and its Preliminary Analysis," in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, doi: 10.1109/TAFFC.2022.3178689
- Laqtom, N.N., Dong, W., Medoh, U.N. et al. CLN3 is required for the clearance of glycerophosphodiesters from lysosomes. Nature (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05221-y
- Almousa, O., Alghowinem, S. Conceptualization and development of an autonomous and personalized early literacy content and robot tutor behavior for preschool children. User Model User-Adap Inter (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11257-022-09344-9
- Kate Pearce, Sharifa Alghowinem, Cynthia Breazeal. (2022) Build-a-Bot: Teaching Conversational AI Using a Transformer-Based Intent
Recognition and Question Answering Architecture. Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Intelligence - Alghowinem, S., Zhai, E., Saba, S., Liu, E., Gotoh, L., Breazeal, C & Park, H. W. (2021). I Understand How You Feel: Interpretable Nonverbal Behaviors of Suicide Risk Detection. In Emotion Review (EMR).
- Sujithra Raviselvam, Shiroq Al-Megren, Kyle Keane, Katja Hölttä-Otto, Kristin L Wood, Maria C Yang. (2021) Simulation Tools for Inclusive Design Solutions. Universal Design 2021: From Special to Mainstream Solutions. (282,10)
- Hyunhee Lee, Won Seok Chi, Moon Joo Lee, Ke Zhang, Fatima Edhaim, Katherine Mizrahi Rodriguez, Stephen J. A. DeWitt, Zachary P. Smith (2022). Network-Nanostructured ZIF-8 to Enable Percolation for Enhanced Gas Transport. Advanced Functional Materials (32, 47). https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202207775
- Sankari, S., Babu, V.M.P., Bian, K., Areej Alhhazmi, et al. A haem-sequestering plant peptide promotes iron uptake in symbiotic bacteria. Nat Microbiol 7, 1453–1465 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41564-022-01192-y
- Ondrej Dyck and Jawaher Almutlaq and Jacob L. Swett and Andrew R. Lupini and Dirk Englund and Stephen Jesse (2022). Direct Imaging of Electron Orbitals with a Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope. arXiv. 2212.00454
- Jeong, S., Alghowinem, S., Aymerich-Franch, L., Arias, K., Lapedriza, A., Picard, R., Park, H. W. & Breazeal, C (2021). Deploying a Robotic Positive Psychology Coach to Improve College Students' Psychological Wellbeing. In User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 33, 571–615 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11257-022-09337-8
- Dalal Alezi, Julius J. Oppenheim, Patrick J. Sarver, Andrei Iliescu, Bhavish Dinakar, and Mircea Dincă (2023). Tunable Low–Relative Humidity and High–Capacity Water Adsorption in a Bibenzotriazole Metal–Organic Framework. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2023 145 (46), 25233-25241 DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c08335
- Adam G. Berger, Elad Deiss-Yehiely, Chau Vo, Michael G. McCoy, Sarah Almofty, Mark W. Feinberg, Paula T. Hammond, Electrostatically assembled wound dressings deliver pro-angiogenic anti-miRs preferentially to endothelial cells, Biomaterials, Volume 300, 2023,122188, ISSN 0142-9612, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biomaterials.2023.122188.
- Moon, H., Mennel, L., Chakraborty, C., Peng, C., Almutlaq, J., Taniguchi, T., ... & Englund, D. (2023). Nanoscale confinement and control of excitonic complexes in a monolayer WSe2. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.18660.
- Jawaher Almutlaq, Kyle P Kelley, Hyeongrak Choi, Linsen Li, Benjamin Lawrie, Ondrej Dyck, Dirk Englund, Stephen Jesse (2023). Closed-Loop Electron-Beam-Induced Spectroscopy and Nanofabrication Around Individual Quantum Emitters arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.05205.
- Ondrej (*) Dyck, Jawaher (*) Almutlaq, David Lingerfelt, Jacob L Swett, Mark P Oxley, Bevin Huang, Andrew R Lupini, Dirk Englund, Stephen Jesse (2023). Direct imaging of electron density with a scanning transmission electron microscope Nature Publishing Group.
- Jawaher Almutlaq, Jiangtao Wang, Linsen Li, Chao Li, Tong Dang, Vladimir Bulović, Jing Kong, Dirk Englund (2023). Electrical Tuning of Neutral and Charged Excitons with 1-nm Gate arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.19895.
- Azar, A. T., Tounsi, M., Fati, S. M., Javed, Y., Amin, S. U., Khan, Z. I., Alsenan, S., & Ganesan, J. (2023). Automated System for Colon Cancer Detection and Segmentation Based on Deep Learning Techniques. International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development (IJSKD), 15(1), 1-28. http://doi.org/10.4018/IJSKD.326629
- Wedyan Babatain, Min Sung Kim, and Muhammad M. Hussain “From Droplets to Devices: Recent Advances in Liquid Metal Droplet Enabled Electronics” Advanced Functional Materials 2023
- Liu, Junchen & Hoeven, Ransome & Kattan, Walaa & Chang, Jeffrey & Montufar-Solis, Dina & Chen, Wei & Wong, Maurice & Zhou, Yong & Lebrilla, Carlito & Hancock, John. (2023). Glycolysis regulates KRAS plasma membrane localization and function through defined glycosphingolipids. Nature Communications. 14. 465. 10.1038/s41467-023-36128-5.
- Alsenan S, Al-Turaiki I, Aldayel M, Tounsi M. Role of Optimization in RNA–Protein-Binding Prediction. Current Issues in Molecular Biology. 2024; 46(2):1360-1373. https://doi.org/10.3390/cimb46020087
- Almutlaq, J., Liu, Y., Mir, W.J. et al. Engineering colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals for quantum information processing. Nat. Nanotechnol. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41565-024-01606-4
- Shahad K. Alsaiari, Seba Nadeef, John l. Daristotle, William Rothwell, Bujie Du, Johnny Garcia, et al (2024), Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks activate endosomal Toll-like receptors and potentiate immunogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein trimer. Science Advances, vol.10, iss. 10. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adj63
- Alhhazmi AA, Alluhibi SS, Alhujaily R, Alenazi ME, Aljohani TL, Al-Jazzar A-AT, Aljabri AD, Albaqami R, Almutairi D, Alhelali LK, Albasri HM, Almutawif YA, Alturkostani MA, Almutairi AZ. Novel antimicrobial peptides identified in legume plant, Medicago truncatula. Microbiol Spectr. 2024 Feb 6;12(2):e0182723. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.01827-23. Epub 2024 Jan 18. PMID: 38236024; PMCID: PMC10845954.
- Julius J. Oppenheim, Ching-Hwa Ho, Dalal Alezi, Justin L. Andrews, Tianyang Chen, Bhavish Dinakar, Francesco Paesani, and Mircea Dincă. Cooperative Interactions with Water Drive Hysteresis in a Hydrophilic Metal–Organic Framework, Chemistry of Materials Article ASAP DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.4c00172
Conference Papers Presented
- M. T. Al-Nory and S.G. Graves, “Water Desalination Supply Chain Modelling and Optimization,” The 29th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering Workshop on Data-Driven Decision Guidance and Support Systems, Brisbane, Australia, Apr 2013
- M. T. Al-Nory and S.G. Graves, “Water Desalination Supply Chain Modelling and Optimization: The Case of Saudi Arabia,” International Desalination Association World Congress, Tianjin, China, Oct 2013
- M. T. Al-Nory and A. Brodsky, “Mitigation of Interrupted Supply from Renewable Energy for the Smart Grid by Desalination,” Saudi Arabia Smart Grid and Green Energy Conference, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Nov 2013
- M.T. Al-Nory and A. Brodsky, "Towards Optimal Decision Guidance for Smart Grids with Integrated Renewable Generation and Water Desalination ", IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Nov 2014
- Mansouri, N.Y. and Ghoniem, A.F., “Optimizing a Sustainable Desalination System in Saudi Arabia: A Comparison between PV-RO and CSP-MED Cogeneration Plants” World Sustainable Energy Forum - EnerSol WSEF Tunisia 2014, 26-28 November, 2014, Tunis, Tunisia
- I. Soltani, C. Houck, J. AlGhamdi, K. Youcef-Toumi, “High Speed, Large Range Atomic Force Microscopy,” National Instruments Week, Austin, USA, 2014
- M. T. Al-Nory and M. El-Beltagy, “Optimal Selection of Energy Storage Systems”, Saudi Arabia Smart Grid and Green Energy Conference, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 2015
- M. T. Al-Nory and M. H. Sharqawy, “Economic and Environmental Evaluation of Solar Desalination Networks: The Case of Saudi Arabia”, International Desalination Association World Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse, San Diego, CA, USA, 2015
- S. Al-Solaiman, “Architecture as a Tool of Editing History: The case of King Abdulaziz Historical Center,” Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2015
- Jeffrey B. Chou, et al. “Broadband Photoelectric Hot Carrier Collection with Wafer-Scale Metallic-Semiconductor Photonic Crystals”, IEEE, New Orleans, USA, 2015. (Asma ElFaer)
- Mansouri, N.Y., Al-Nory, M.T., and Ghoniem, A.F., “Optimizing Solar Energy Options for Desalination: The case study of PV-RO and CSP-MED in Saudi Arabia” International Desalination Association, IDA World Congress 2015, August 30-September 04, 2015, San Diego, California
- O. Bamasag, K. Youcef-Toumi, "Towards Continuous Authentication in Internet of Things Based on Secret Sharing Scheme", 10th Workshop on Embedded Systems Security (WESS2015), 4-9 October, 2015, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- M N. Abughazalah, P. Etingof, Linear growth for semigroups which are disjoint unions of finitely many copies of the free monogenic semigroup, Archiv der Mathematik, 2015
- H. Kurdi, J. How, G. Bautista, “LIAM: Locust-Inspired Algorithm for Multi-UAV Task Allocation in Search and Rescue Missions,” AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 4-8 January 2016, San Diego. 10.2514/6.2016-1377
- Mansouri, N.Y. and Ghoniem, A.F., “Does Nuclear Desalination Makes Sense for Saudi Arabia?” The 2nd International Conference on Desalination and Environment, 24-25 January, 2016, Doha, Qatar
- O. Bamasag. K. Youcef-Toumi, "Efficient Multicast Authentication in Internet of Things", Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communications Convergence ICTC 2016, October 19-21, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, pp. 429-435
- A. Elfaer, X. Li, Y. Wang, J.B. Chou, and S.G. Kim, “Gold Nanorods Coated Metallic Photonic Crystal for Enhanced Hot Electron Transfer in Electrochemical Cells,” MRS Advances, 2016
- K. Rambo, “Water-Energy Nexus in Saudi Arabia,” ICAE2016: International Conference on Applied Energy
- N. Abughazalah, “Concrete Algorithms for Word Problem and Subsemigroup Problem for Semigroups,” Today's Research for a Better Future Conference. Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, September 28, 2017
- M. O. AlNabooda, R. M. Shubair, N. R. Rishani, and G. Aldabbagh, “Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging for the Detection and Identification of Illicit Drugs”, presented in 2017 International Conference on Sensors, Networks, Smart & Emerging Technologies (SENSET2017), 12-14 September 2017, Beirut, Lebanon.
- N. R. Rishani, R. M. Shubair and G. Aldabbagh, “On the Design of Wearable Antennas for Medical Applications: Recent Advances for Emerging Applications” presented in 2017 International Conference on Sensors, Networks, Smart & Emerging Technologies (SENSET2017), 12-14 September 2017, Beirut, Lebanon.
- Maha Bakalla, Hadeel Al-Jami, Heba Kurdi, Shada Alsalamah, “A QoS-Aware and Energy-Efficient Genetic Algorithm for Resource Allocation in Cloud Data Centers,” In proceedings of The 9th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems, MUNICH, 6 - 8 November 2017
- T. Al-Ruhaili, G. Aldabbagh, F. Bouabdallah, N. Dimitriou, and M. Win, "Optimized Wi-Fi Offloading Scheme for High User Density in LTE Networks" presented in 2017 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC’17), Dec 13-16, 2017, CHENGDU, China.
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- Afnan AlMoammar, Lubna AlHenaki, Heba Kurdi, “Selecting Accurate Classifier Models for a MERS-CoV Dataset,” -Proceedings of SAI Intelligent Systems Conference, London, 2018. http://cas.jxutcm.edu.cn/cas/login?service=http%3A%2F%2Fwebvpn.jxutcm.edu.cn%2Fusers%2Fservice.
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- Lina Altoaimy, Heba Kurdi, Arwa Alromaih, Amirah Alomari, Entisar Alrogi, and Syed Hassan Ahmed, “Enhanced Distance-Based Gossip Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks,” In proceedings of The IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, 2019.
- Heba Kurdi, Ghada Al-Hudhud, Muneerah Al-Dawod, Wafa Al-Shaikh, and Lina Altoaimy, “Service-Sharing Approach Using a Mutual Exclusion Algorithm for Smart Cashier Systems,” IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, 2019.
- Basmah Alotibi, Noof Alarifi, Heba Kurdi and Lina Altoaimy, “Overcoming Free-Riding Behavior in Peer-to-Peer Networks Using Points System Approach,” The 10th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT 2019), Procedia Computer Science, Volume 151, 2019, Pages 1060-1065.
- Arwa Alromih, Heba Kurdi, “An energy-efficient gossiping protocol for wireless sensor networks using Chebyshev distance,” The 10th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT 2019), Procedia Computer Science, Volume 151, 2019, Pages 1066-1071.
- Ebtesam Aloboud, Heba Kurdi, “Cuckoo-inspired Job Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud Computing,” The 10th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT 2019), Procedia Computer Science, Volume 151, 2019, Pages 1078-1083.
- Abrar Al Oudah, Kholoud Al Bassam, Heba Kurdi, Shiroq Al-Megren, “Wajeez: An Extractive Automatic Arabic Text Summarisation System,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) , volume 11578, 2019, DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-21902-4_1.
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- Sharifa Alghowinem, Huili Chen, Cynthia Breazeal, Hae Won Park, Body Gesture and Head Movement Analyses in Dyadic Parent-Child Interaction as Indicators of Relationship 2021 16th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2021) Pages 01-05 IEEE
- Matthew Huggins, Sharifa Alghowinem, Sooyeon Jeong, Pedro Colon-Hernandez, Cynthia Breazeal, Hae Won Park, Practical Guidelines for Intent Recognition: BERT with Minimal Training Data Evaluated in Real-World HRI Application, Proceedings of the 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 341-350, 2021/3/8 https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3434073.3444671
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- Yubin Kim, Huili Chen, Sharifa Alghowinem, Cynthia Breazeal, and Hae Won Park (2022). Joint Engagement Classification using Video Augmentation Techniques for Multi-person Human-robot Interaction. Proc. of the 22nd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2023)
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- Sooyeon Jeong, Laura Aymerich-Franch, Sharifa Alghowinem, Rosalind W. Picard, Cynthia L. Breazeal, and Hae Won Park. 2023. A Robotic Companion for Psychological Well-being: A Long-term Investigation of Companionship and Therapeutic Alliance. In Proceedings of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 485–494. https://doi.org/10.1145/3568162.3578625
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- Wedyan Babatain, Ozgun Killic Afsar, Fabian Velasquez and Hiroshi Ishii “Selective Patterning of Liquid Metal-Based Soft Electronics via Laser-Induced Graphene Residue” IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Body Sensor Networks: Sensor and Systems for Digital Health
- Wedyan Babatain, Ozgun Killic Afsar and Hiroshi Ishii “Graphene-Enabled Selective Wetting of Liquid Metal on Polyamide Substrate for the Fabrication of Soft Wearable Electronics” MRS 2023 Fall Meeting.
- Kyle Kelley, Jawaher Almutlaq, Hyeongrak Choi, Linsen Li, Benjamin Lawrie, Dirk Englund, Stephen Jesse "Closed-Loop Spectroscopy and Nanofabrication Around Individual Quantum Emitters" American Physical Society 2024/3/8
- Jawaher Almutlaq, Jiangtao Wang, Linsen Li, Chao Li, Tong Dang, Vladimir Bulović, Jing Kong, Dirk Englund "Nanoscale Electrical Tuning of Charged Excitons in Two-Dimensional Materials with 1-nm Gate" American Physical Society 2024/3/5